Saturday 2 April 2016

GRE GMAT CAT Wordlist - TurboPack 4

Guys, I have seen many people trying by-heart the dictionary all at once while trying to prepare for the verbals of these competitive exams. In my opinion, its wiser to take small batches of words and work on them regularly. Hence the name TurboPack which is essentially a small batch of 10 random words in non-alphabetical sequence. I will try to post some word-sets like these at regular intervals. Make sure you bookmark them for future references.

Also, in case you missed, here's the list of previous TurboPacks.

TurboPack 1
TurboPack 2
TurboPack 3

Tip : Learn the meanings of these words and try to use them in any sentences. For starters, you could add a comment to my blog post with a sentence including a word you just learnt from the TurboPack. Try to have a conversation with someone and use these words randomly. I bet this approach will significantly boost your memorisation.

So here is the latest TurboPack for the day.

diadem : a jewelled crown
amazon : female warrior
cataract : a large waterfall, an eye abnormality
facsimile : copy
contusion : bruise, an injury
encumber : burden in such a way that movement is restricted
kernel : a central or vital part, core
maxim : proverb, a short statement of general truth
noxious : harmful, unpleasant, poisonous
orator : an eloquent/skilled public speaker

That's it for now. Will try to post more exciting and interesting TurboPacks very soon. In the meantime make sure to post an instant comment with some random sentence making use of the above words. Ciao!

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