Tuesday 10 October 2017

LDAP authentication for SonarQube 5.6

Guys, if your project uses SonarQube for analyzing and improving the code quality, this is the post you should be interested in. In this post, we look into how to configure the organization-specific LDAP settings for SonarQube version 5.6

First of all, before we proceed, in order to enable LDAP authentication in SonarQube, you will have to install the LDAP plugin from the update center. In this illustration, we have the LDAP plugin version 1.4 installed. Newer versions of the plugin will be available periodically.

Now, navigate through your SonarQube installation directory => conf folder to find the sonar.properties file.

In this file, you'll able to configure LDAP details to enable LDAP user authentication. In case you're not aware of the specific credentials, kindly check the same from an authorized  administrator.

A sample illustration below will give you the look and feel of how the LDAP settings should look like.

# LDAP related settings

Note that the above values are just an example and will vary for each organization. For more information, kindly check the LDAP plugin page here.

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