This post will be helpful in a scenario where you are required to deploy i.e upload just a specific individual file (eg: or abc.jar) to Artifactory using Maven from Jenkins.
For illustration, configure a deploy-file job in Jenkins and add the following Maven goal.
clean deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=message -Dversion=${version}
-Dusername=admin -Dpassword=admin-password
This will basically upload the message jar with a dynamically passed version parameter. Assuming the ${version} parameter value is defined 5.3.2 in Jenkins, the above command will essentially deploy message-5.3.2.jar to the libs-release-local repository.
For illustration, configure a deploy-file job in Jenkins and add the following Maven goal.
clean deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=message -Dversion=${version}
-Dusername=admin -Dpassword=admin-password
This will basically upload the message jar with a dynamically passed version parameter. Assuming the ${version} parameter value is defined 5.3.2 in Jenkins, the above command will essentially deploy message-5.3.2.jar to the libs-release-local repository.