I just stumbled across this beautiful site which lists the average internet speeds across all the countries of the world. So, which place do you think has the highest average internet speed. Take a wild guess folks.
You'd be surprised - it's Hong Kong. The noted average speed for month Feb '14 is 72.58 Mbps. That's quite a high figure, considering it's an AVERAGE. Just shows how the high speed broadband has uniformly penetrated across the region. The link is Ookla Net Index Explorer map. Good thing about this link is you can pretty much check the varying speeds month-wise.
You'd be surprised - it's Hong Kong. The noted average speed for month Feb '14 is 72.58 Mbps. That's quite a high figure, considering it's an AVERAGE. Just shows how the high speed broadband has uniformly penetrated across the region. The link is Ookla Net Index Explorer map. Good thing about this link is you can pretty much check the varying speeds month-wise.
Happy number crunching guys.