Tuesday, 3 October 2017

How to get username from IP address of remote computer

On a network (Home LAN or WiFi or corporate intranet), it is possible to get username from the assigned IP address of a remote machine. Assuming you have a bunch of users using Windows machines on the same network, lets look into the windows command to get the username.

For example, type the following in command prompt :

wmic.exe /node: computersystem get username

Note that this works only for the remote machines which are connected on the same network.

Customized Build email notifications in Jenkins

When using Jenkins for automated builds, as most of you guys may be aware, we can setup SMTP settings for email notifications of build related events. We will cover the topic of SMTP setup in another separate post. In this post, let us just stick to the email customization part. Note that the SMTP settings must be configured in Jenkins for this plugin to work smoothly. For customized email notifications, we will use the Email-ext plugin to replace the default Jenkins'email settings.

With this plugin, we can setup email settings for various trigger conditions like a successful build, aborted build or a build failure etc.

In today's illustration, we'll cover the notification for Failure - Any trigger. In other words, Jenkins will fire a notification the moment there is any kind of build failure. We will use the HTML formatting in the notification. Use the following variables in the job configuration as shown in below screenshot.

In the Content field, try the following piece of code as below :

As you see, we include information like the Jenkins job URL, the cause of the failure which will be a short description of the error, the changes that went into the build and a link to the console URL.

Note the line which includes a regex - we basically do a simple pattern matching i.e we look for the words "BUILD FAILURE" and then display only that part from the build error. In better words, we truncate the verbose build log and show only the relevant error information in the mail notification.

${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*?BUILD FAILURE.*?$", linesAfter=10, matchedLineHtmlStyle="width:100%", showTruncatedLines="false", defaultValue="For detailed information, please check job console link below to find cause of failure"}  

Apart from this, the plugin also allows us to optionally attach the build log. However note that the build logs usually tend to be of big sizes (depending on the size of the project) and could fill your mailboxes fast.

Now with the email notification configured, let us look into how the notifications will actually look like. So here's the output - check the screenshot below :

Signing out for now. Hope it helps. Ciao guys!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Extract pom.xml version number using Shell script - Scenario 1

Guys, in todays post we'll look into an example where we want to extract version number from pom.xml of a Maven based project. In other words, all we have to do is extract text between 2 strings from a file. Quite obviously we would use sed for that. But let's look into a scenario where you have to pipe sed to other unix commands.

FYI this will work universally on Linux/Unix/Mac OS X flavors.

Let's say I have a pom.xml file of a Maven based project and I want to display only the version number from it. As you may be aware, we define the version number within the <version> </version> tags.

For e.g. my pom.xml looks something like this :

Here we want to extract only the version number from the file. i.e in this case I only want to display 1.0-SNAPSHOT.

Did you notice that in our file we have two lines of the <version></version> tags. One for our main project version and the other is for the dependency version. Now if we use sed to extract text between the "version" words, it will give output like this below.

sed -n '/version/,/version/p' pom.xml





So let's display only the topmost line with head -1. That should help narrow down our output.

sed -n '/version/,/version/p' pom.xml | head -1

Now all we need is to extract the version number. Let's cut the output characters as follows :

sed -n '/version/,/version/p' pom.xml | head -1 | cut -c 12-23

Cheers guys! That's what we wanted right? Now we could perhaps develop a script around this. Maybe have a variable which stores this version number. Perhaps we could use this variable for some conditional checks. Something like this :

# Program to extract version number from the pom.xml

i=`sed -n '/version/,/version/p' /Users/ironcladzone/workspace/MavenTest/testapp/pom.xml | head -1 | cut -c 12-23`

echo $i

if [ $i = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" ]; then

echo "Version 1.0 Development copy. Team A is working on it."

echo "That's not a Version 1.0 Dev copy"


Output :


Version 1.0 Development copy. Team A is working on it.

The possibilities are limitless! Until next time, ciao!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Play audio file from Terminal on Mac OS X without iTunes

Guys, am sure this post will definitely interest you - how to play an audio file from Terminal on Mac OS X without using iTunes. Well, we play it using the "afplay" command.

Well here's what you need to do in Terminal :

afplay -q 1 --leaks /Users/ironcladzone/Music/Bo\ Saris\ -\ She\'s\ On\ Fire\ \(Maya\ Jane\ Coles\ Remix\).mp3 -d -r 1

Playing file: /Users/ironcladzone/Music/Bo Saris - She's On Fire (Maya Jane Coles Remix).mp3
Playing format: AudioStreamBasicDescription:  2 ch,  44100 Hz, '.mp3' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 1152 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame

Buffer Byte Size: 20135, Num Packets to Read: 19
Enable rate-scaled playback (rate = 1.00) using Spectral algorithm

-q switch is to set the quality level. 0 is default for low quality. Set it 1 for high quality version.

-d switch is for debugging which shows you the technical details like frames/packet, buffer byte size etc.

-r is the rate / speed of playback. Default is 1. Try changing it to 2 or 3 for speedier playback ;)

Oh and by the way, in case if you didn't notice, I was playing the cool Maya Jane Coles remix of Bo Saris' "She's on Fire". Maya Jane Coles rocks :)

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Print a triangle using * in a Bash script

Hello coders! Hows it going? Today we'll see a basic simple shell script to print a triangle using asterisk * only. Here's the code to do that :

# Simple program to print a triangle using * of height 10


for i in {1..10}
echo "$star";
star="$star *"


You see basically, all we are doing is append a * to itself recursively. Here we are using a basic for-loop to print a triangle of height 10. You can change the height as per your requirement, as needed.

Output :

* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * *


Friday, 6 May 2016

Identify exact port number used by a process or app on Mac OSX

Guys, if you ever wanted to find out the exact specific port number used by a process/application on Unix/Mac OSX/Linux, type the following in Terminal :

top | awk '{print $2, $7}'

The output would be something like :

awk 12
top 22+

top 19

This will show only the specific Command and Port columns from the top command and will skip other details like Process ID, % CPU utilisation , Memory usage etc.

Alternatively if you wanted to just find the port number used by a specific application, say for e.g. TextEdit, you could use the following command :

top | awk '{print $2, $7}' | grep TextEdit
TextEdit 140+
TextEdit 140

TextEdit 140

Cheers guys!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Read file line by line and count no. of lines using Shell script

Guys, in today's post we'll see how to parse a file line by line and count the number of lines in it.

We will simply use redirection to read the file. Note that we will pass the filename as a runtime parameter to the script.

Alright here we go. Suppose I have a file TextFile1.txt with the following contents. I want to print the total number of lines in it.



Now, here's the script part.

#Sript to count number of lines in a file



while read LINE


let count++

echo "$count $LINE"

done < $File

echo -e "Total $count Lines read\n"

Here's the output :


Total 8 Lines read

Cheers it has correctly displayed the count of lines in the file. In case of any questions/doubts, kindly leave your comments.
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