Guys in todays post let us look into a simple basic Mathematics problem. Let us automate the calculation of area and circumference of a circle, using a simple bash script. It's an easy script useful for learning some basic shell scripting.
Note : Value of pi used is a constant value rounded off to 3.142
Output :
Also do check out my previous post on Simple Interest Tool for additional scripting reference.
Note : Value of pi used is a constant value rounded off to 3.142
#program to calculate area and circumference of a circle
echo "=========================================="
echo "Area & Circumference of Circle Calculator"
echo "=========================================="
echo "Please enter the radius of the circle : "
read radius
circumference=`expr "2*$pi*$radius"|bc`
echo "Circumference of circle : $circumference"
area=`expr "$pi*$radius*$radius"|bc`
echo "Area of circle : $area"
Output :
Area & Circumference of Circle Calculator
Please enter the radius of the circle :
Circumference of circle : 31.420
Area of circle : 78.550