Thanks guys for the good response for my previous TurboPacks. Well, as I said before more TurboPacks are in the pipeline and would be posted at regular intervals. Am really encouraged to post more Packs like these. Again let me reiterate that the USP of TurboPacks is the random non-alphabetical sequencing of words. I think it helps in improved memorisation. Hope it helps guys.
In the meantime, I suggest you cut a cardboard or simply a blank page into 10 mid-sized rectangles. Create your own 10 flash cards the moment you come across the new words in TurboPack. On one side of the rectangle write the word and on the other side write the meaning/synonym. Perhaps a rectangle of the size of the logo below. What say? You could refer to them throughout the day, whenever you wish to. Just target this small batch of 10 words and focus on them thoroughly.
Ok so here we go again. Here's the TurboPack for today.
mortician : an undertaker, a funeral director
biennial : every two years
pyromaniac : person with an obsessive desire to set things on fire
canard : baseless unfounded rumor or story
onslaught : fierce attack, a vicious assault
philanderer : womaniser, a flirt, faithless lover
churlish : rude or boorish
rebate : discount, partial refund
doze : nap, short light sleep
residual : leftover, remaining
In the meantime, I suggest you cut a cardboard or simply a blank page into 10 mid-sized rectangles. Create your own 10 flash cards the moment you come across the new words in TurboPack. On one side of the rectangle write the word and on the other side write the meaning/synonym. Perhaps a rectangle of the size of the logo below. What say? You could refer to them throughout the day, whenever you wish to. Just target this small batch of 10 words and focus on them thoroughly.
Ok so here we go again. Here's the TurboPack for today.
mortician : an undertaker, a funeral director
biennial : every two years
pyromaniac : person with an obsessive desire to set things on fire
canard : baseless unfounded rumor or story
onslaught : fierce attack, a vicious assault
philanderer : womaniser, a flirt, faithless lover
churlish : rude or boorish
rebate : discount, partial refund
doze : nap, short light sleep
residual : leftover, remaining