Every programming language has a way to accept user input. Like in Perl, you accept using STDIN. Similarly, Python interpreter has 2 inbuilt functions to read user input :
Let's look into a simple python script which accepts user input and prints a statement.
Create a simple script - vi python_input.py
You see the variable "name" stores the input entered by the user. Accordingly we make use of this value in the next print statement.
Output :
Let's look into a simple python script which accepts user input and prints a statement.
Create a simple script - vi python_input.py
name = raw_input('Please enter your name, visitor : ');
print ('Welcome to IroncladZone ' + name);
You see the variable "name" stores the input entered by the user. Accordingly we make use of this value in the next print statement.
Output :
Please enter your name, visitor : Johnny
Welcome to IroncladZone Johnny