Hello friends. In our last post we saw how to execute a shell script from Apache Ant. In today's post lets see if we could use Ant to kill some running processes.
For example lets open the TextWrangler app. Now lets try to close it using Ant build.
Consider a shell script kill-wrangler.sh as below :
Now we'll execute the above bash script and kill the corresponding PID (process ID) for the TextWrangler app using the Ant build. Consider the following build.xml
In this we execute the above bash script kill-wrangler.sh and close the application. You could grep (search) the running processes for any other program/string. For instance you could kill some Java process or maybe stop some application. Okay guys, signing out for now. Will post some more cool stuff in the forthcoming days. Stay tuned...
For example lets open the TextWrangler app. Now lets try to close it using Ant build.
Consider a shell script kill-wrangler.sh as below :
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep TextWrangler | awk '{print $2}'`;
Now we'll execute the above bash script and kill the corresponding PID (process ID) for the TextWrangler app using the Ant build. Consider the following build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="AntBuildTest" default="kill-process" basedir=".">
<target name="kill-process">
<exec executable="/bin/bash">
<arg value="kill-wrangler.sh"/>
In this we execute the above bash script kill-wrangler.sh and close the application. You could grep (search) the running processes for any other program/string. For instance you could kill some Java process or maybe stop some application. Okay guys, signing out for now. Will post some more cool stuff in the forthcoming days. Stay tuned...