Saturday, 21 December 2013

Fresh new electronic music on my iPod Playlist

Here are some new additions to my iPod playlist :

Ghostpoet - Cold Win (Special Request Remix)

Current Value - Megalomania

Mount Kimbie - CSFLY Remixes

Marco Bailey - Faint Hope

Klangstabil - Shadowboy

Piemont - Off to Drink

Dominos Pizza India Coupon Codes

The next time you're craving a Dominos pizza in India, I suggest you order them online. Infact, here's a small list of coupon codes which almost always tend to work.

RMB25 - Sitewide 25% discount on most orders above 400 bucks. 

al20a - a flat 20% discount.

MOBAPP25 - 25% disocunt when ordered through the mobile app.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Create file without editing in Unix

The best way to create a new file without editing or opening it is using touch command.


touch test1.txt  => This will create a new file test1.txt

Touch can also be used to update an existing file's timestamp to current time. The Date modified timestamp will indicate current time

Note that if you want to touch a file only and only if it exists, use the -c switch


touch -c log.txt

(If the log.txt exists previously, only then the access and modification timestamps would update. If log.txt does not exists, the above command will do nothing i.e a new file will not be created)

Remove directories - Unix

The command to delete or remove directories is rmdir

Note that rmdir can delete only empty directories. You CANNOT delete non-empty directories using rmdir.

In order to remove non-empty directories use the rm -rf command instead. Use the -r switch with caution since it deletes the inner contents of a directory recursively.

Disk Space - Unix

In Unix, in order to find the disk space statistics of mounted volumes, use the following command:

df -h

The output will show the size of volume, the used space and the available free space in the Mb and Gb format.


Filesystem        Size      Used    Avail   Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s2     465Gi   275Gi  190Gi     60%            /

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Process Status - Unix

The ps command is quite a useful command in Unix to find out information related to processes.

There are a lot of switches for the ps command for doing a bunch of things.

Most frequently used switch is -ef  This can be used to to list all the running processes alongwith their PID's (process ID)

  • If you want to find out all processes of a specific user then use the foll.

ps -u <username>

Eg: ps -u root

  • If you want to find the PID of a certain process, searching by its process name then use the following command: 
ps -ef | grep <process name string>

Eg: ps -ef | grep jrockit  (Narrow down the output of ps command by piping it to a grep statement)

Blog rebranding

These few days I am contemplating a fresh rebranding of my blog. Does the name 'garlic paste' sound good enough and different?

Just recently I updated the blog header with a fresh new image, replacing the default boring black text.

What can be a good name to a blog which can attract more eyeballs while maintaining good quality content? Any thoughts? Ideas?

In the near future, I do wish to create more content based on a variety of topics, thus gradually establishing a web presence. Currently, as of today if you observe, most of the topics are based on Technology and Travel. Gradually I would like incorporate content based on current news, fashion, sports, photography etc.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome. Lets start with a good sounding unique blog name. Does an egyptian mythology name sound okay for a blog? Or something geeky perhaps?

Suggestions please...

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